matt bevin

Time for Serious Deliberation: Medical Marijuana and the Benefits on Kentucky’s Failing Pension System

Time for Serious Deliberation: Medical Marijuana and the Benefits on Kentucky’s Failing Pension System

Beyond the ongoing moral debate surrounding medical marijuana, Kentucky now faces a major financial crisis that is affecting the state’s pension system. Keeping the state's financial struggles in mind, it is time for Kentucky representatives to put aside their party preference and deliberate about the benefits legalizing medical marijuana will have on the economy. 

Bucking the Resource Curse in Appalachia: The Hopeful Rhetoric of the Braidy Industries Aluminum Mill

Bucking the Resource Curse in Appalachia: The Hopeful Rhetoric of the Braidy Industries Aluminum Mill

Braidy Industries will break ground on construction of a greenfield aluminum mill in Eastern Kentucky in early 2018.  While proponents like Matt Bevin believe the aluminum mill is the answer to the economic devastation caused by the collapse of the region’s coal industry, Kentuckians should consider whether swapping one fluctuating industry for another is the long-term solution we need.