Climate Crisis

Where's Our Seat at the Table? An overview of how the Black Community has Been Left out of Spaces Meant to Combat Environmental Issues Despite Being Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?

Where's Our Seat at the Table? An overview of how the Black Community has Been Left out of Spaces Meant to Combat Environmental Issues Despite Being Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?

Climate Change has always been present in our society but it has caused more serious issues among the Black community. Check out Kennedy Weather’s blog post concerning this issue and what she believes would help solve this issue!

Trump Administration Makes Changes to the Act that is Credited with Saving the Bald Eagle

Trump Administration Makes Changes to the Act that is Credited with Saving the Bald Eagle

The Trump Administration’s recent changes to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) may impose significant consequences upon animals, plants, and their habitats. In this post, 3L staffer Benjamin A. Dennison explores the potential outcomes of placing a price tag on wildlife conservation.

Cooperative Federalism as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

Cooperative Federalism as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

Two years ago, the deeply conservative state of Kansas repealed a law requiring twenty percent of the state’s electric power to come from renewable sources by 2020, seemingly delivering a blow to the state’s environmentalists. Kansas zipped past that twenty percent goal in 2014 and actually produced more than thirty percent of its energy from wind by 2016. This underscores the reality that some of the fastest growth in renewable energy is occurring in states led by Republican governors and legislators.