solar energy

A Section 201 Solar Flare Up

A Section 201 Solar Flare Up

Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 functions as a strong trade remedy and authorizes
the President to implement trade barriers to protect domestic industries that have been injured or
threatened by an import. Earlier this Sspring, solar cell manufacturer Suniva, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, attributing its financial struggles to increased imports. President Trump’s 2017 trade policy agenda, along with his support for American manufacturing and his want for tariffs, make it
likely some remedy will be imposed on foreign made solar cells and panels.

Community Solar Gardens: The Future of Energy Assistance Programs?

Community Solar Gardens: The Future of Energy Assistance Programs?

While the success of the integration of community solar gardens with energy assistance programs is still yet to be determined, the odds favor solar energy being a more nationally widespread energy option for low-income households in the future.