meat regulations

Looks Like Meat, Smells Like Meat, & Tastes Like Meat, But it’s not Meat?

Looks Like Meat, Smells Like Meat, & Tastes Like Meat, But it’s not Meat?

“Fake meat” laws have been popping up throughout the country and have consistently been met with controversy. While advocates of these types of laws argue they are necessary to protect consumers, opponents believe they infringe on Constitutional rights. In this piece, staffer Chris Isaacs explores how these “fake meat” laws fit in our increasingly meat-hungry world.

Clean Meats: Will Regulations Hinder the New Meats Market?

Clean Meats: Will Regulations Hinder the New Meats Market?

The human population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, and at that size, to meet demand, food production must increase by 70%. Many argue, without a sustainable meat alternative that meat consumption will outpace production, causing meat to become scarce instead of the commodity it is now.