food labeling

The Name Game: Required Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods Hinders Effective Science Communication

The Name Game: Required Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods Hinders Effective Science Communication

Have you ever wondered what a GMO label means? Senior Staffer, Alison Adkins discusses how these labels are causing more fear to consumers than actually informing consumers of their benefits.

What History Tells Us About Food Safety: Is It Satisfactory to The Twenty-First Century?

What History Tells Us About Food Safety:  Is It Satisfactory to The Twenty-First Century?

In modern times, food safety is something that we all take for granted. Food labeling, a practice that predates the FDA, remains crucial to the safety of Americans. In this post, staffer Abigail Hartge analyzes two recent cases that highlight the need for the FDA for consumer protection, particularly in the realm of proper labeling. Abigail questions if disclosure of ingredients alone by industry giants is sufficient for safety.