
What the Frack: Why Fracking Chemicals Should be Disclosed

What the Frack: Why Fracking Chemicals Should be Disclosed

Citizens of Pavillion, Wyoming, started to notice a bad taste and smell in their water. Methanol, a toxic chemical, was found in their water from fracking waste. 2L staffer Gracie Sandlin discusses how fracking companies are not required to disclose the chemical injected into the ground due to trade secrets, but is that for the best? Sandlin advocates that these chemicals should not be trade secrets, discusses what another state is doing, and hopes Wyoming will soon follow.

Will Americans Ever Be Able to Divorce Themselves From the ‘Forever Chemical’ PFAS?

Will Americans Ever Be Able to Divorce Themselves From the ‘Forever Chemical’ PFAS?

PFAS are dangerous chemicals and practically everything from our water to oil, deeming these chemicals as ‘forever chemicals.’ Congress has tried to step in and help this matter, but is it enough? 2L staffer Nicole Cossel analyzes this pressing issue and offers her solutions.

Where's Our Seat at the Table? An overview of how the Black Community has Been Left out of Spaces Meant to Combat Environmental Issues Despite Being Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?

Where's Our Seat at the Table? An overview of how the Black Community has Been Left out of Spaces Meant to Combat Environmental Issues Despite Being Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?

Climate Change has always been present in our society but it has caused more serious issues among the Black community. Check out Kennedy Weather’s blog post concerning this issue and what she believes would help solve this issue!